Migration of the Monarch Butterflies

Finally got to see the Monarchs migrating thru the Madison Indiana area over this past weekend. I think there may still be a few feeding and resting at King’s Daughters Health, where I have captured so many, but I kinda threw my back out Monday and can’t get out to see. So for me it’s over for the year.

What I witnessed was definitely an incredible site, I captured over eight hundred images of them feeding and resting in the beautiful fall wildflowers that cover the fields that surround our Hospital. Every step I took I would flush out two or three butterflies and send them flying into the afternoon sky. Many times I would look up over the goldenrod that covers the grounds and watch them dancing and chasing each other above the forest of wildflowers in search of their next drink of nectar.

It really is amazing that these wonderful little winged gems used our grounds as a way station for their long trip to Mexico. Even though I witnessed hundreds of Monarchs probably less than 5% of them will make it to the mountains where they overwinter. And that is why we must help them with good conservation practices along their journey south.

Milkweed is the key, years ago it was all along our county roads and highways as well as hay fields and ditches. But now these areas get mowed way more frequently then in the past and it is probably the number one reason for their decline. Many other factors play a roll as well but habitat destruction is the one that can be solved quickly and help get them back on their feet or wings actually.

So if you have a lot of land let some of it go back to nature and instead of planting all those store bought flowers try putting out native wildflowers. Especially milkweed not only will you be helping out the Monarchs but many other butterflies and bee’s will be helped as well.

The Monarch Migration

The Monarchs are now in full migration along the northern tier of the United States, I have seen incredible images of monarch roosts from Kankakee Sands in northwest Indiana . Maybe this year I will finally find that roost where thousands of these amazing creatures stay and feed together for a few days.

Even though the migration hasn’t reached our area there are many monarchs that are now emerging from their Chrysalis and will be joining their fellow butterflies on their journey to the mountains of central Mexico.

I captured these image tonight at KDH Health. there must have been fifty flying around the fields just waiting for their time to leave. The grounds here at the Hospital I work at are covered in Goldenrod and it is just about at peak bloom. Goldenrod is one of the most important nectar sources for the monarch as they travel south.

So now is the time to get outdoors and enjoy the sights of nature especially these wonderful winged jewels before they are gone !!

Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes)

Black Swallowtail

Captured this beautiful little specimen at my place of employment here in Madison Indiana. These are one of my favorite butterflies their color is brilliant in their wings patterns and when they do take the time to rest they show off their amazing profile for everyone to see.

The fields around out hospital have so many wildflowers and butterflies it almost seems you are in some hidden prairie somewhere out in the plains . The only problem is it does need to be mowed now and then and I am hoping they wait a bit more because it has a incredible amount of goldenrod and the Monarchs will be migrating thru soon.

And this wildflower is one of their most attractive sources for nectar that helps get them thru on their long journey to Mexico.

Thanks for taking a look.

Monarchs and their journey home

There is nothing more beautiful than warm summer evening light, especially when it bathes the Monarchs and the wildflowers that they love to nectar on this time of the year . The butterflies are winding down now here in Madison Indiana but the Monarchs are just gearing up for their incredible journey south.

It’s hard to believe that these delicate translucent wings will carry some of these little miracles of nature three thousand miles to the mountains of central Mexico from the fields of Southern Indiana. It is truly amazing that these monarchs know the way to the overwintering sites even though this migrating generation has never before been to Mexico.

Soon the Goldenrod will bloom and help nourish them for their long epic flight back to the mountains of Mexico.

Hope you enjoy my images of butterflies especially the Monarch and hopefully we can help conserve this beauitufl species !!

Madison Indiana Butterflies

I have seen so many butterflies this year I don’t even know where to begin. We have such a rich diversity of nature here in the Madison area and butterflies are a big part of it.

It’s not hard to come across these flying little gems, with all the public land and the many gardens that we have in this area it’s no wonder I have been able to locate and photograph so many varieties.

So now after getting back into this blogging thing a bit I will start sharing some of the many beautiful images of these great little miracles of nature !!