Clifty Falls State Park

Clifty Falls is one of the most beautiful sites in Indiana, the falls sit atop the Clifty Canyon gorge that runs south into the Ohio River. Big Clifty is sixty feet and there are three other falls that top sixty feet as well. There are many other cascades and rivulets that grace the park making it an amazing place to visit after a hard rain.

The spring brings out an incredible display of wildflowers followed by fall colors that paint the canyon walls and hillsides with such a broad brush of color that many people leave the park with a sense amazement.

Try visiting Clifty Falls one weekend it’s a wonderful place for hiking and has a great campground. Madison Indiana is just a couple miles away and is a wonderful place to stay and visit as well.

The Migration

There is nothing more beautiful than a Monarch butterfly bathed in warm evening light against a backdrop of Goldenrod wildflowers. It is hard to believe that these amazing creatures will attempt to migrate to the mountains of Central Mexico, most won’t make it but for the ones who do complete their journey they represent one of the true wonders of nature !!

For years I really never seemed to care much for environmental issues but as I delved more and more into photography things began to change, mainly my experiences afield. Thru my years of photography I have noticed less and less butterflies especially the Monarchs. And at the same time more mowing of fields and roadsides and then throw in all the spraying of chemicals and you end up with a recipe of disaster for these delicate creatures.

One of the most revealing things was when in my youth driving thru the country on late summer evenings and having the windshield of our car completely covered in smashed insects. Today it’s not even close to those days of of having to turn on your windshield wipers just to clean them off.

Without milkweed and the over use of chemicals they will soon disappear altogether and go the way of the Passenger Pigeon and countless other beautiful species that once inhabited America and beyond.

Hopefully things are changing a bit though, many states are beginning to let the roadsides and right of ways grow up and they are planting Milkweed and other wildflowers to help all the pollinators, butterflies, bees and moths to continue on with what nature intended.

You can easily help as well take some of your lawn out and plant milkweed and other wildflowers instead soon you will watching all those beautiful creatures flitting about your yard and you have less mowing going on as well.

Fall scenes in Madison Indiana

Fall in Madison Indiana is a very special time. With all of the beautiful tree lined streets and wonderful architecture Madison is an amazing place to spend an autumn weekend

You can spend your time wandering thru all the local shops or take a hike thru Clifty Falls State Park, these and many other things to do await you on your visit to this lovely little River town.

There is also plenty of Music and Food to make your stay an enjoyable experience. A scenic drive along the Ohio River valley or thru the many country roads that surround Madison make for a wonderful nature filled viewing experience.

Whatever you are looking for in a weekend getaway Madison has it so make a trip before all the leaves are gone and if you miss fall wait till you see Christmas in Madison.

Fall Cascade

I made a recent two day trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, probably spent more time driving than actually capturing images, but anytime in the park is special. Fall was little shaky there this year patches of really beautiful color but just as many places that it was still dull and a bit dried out.

With conditions being what they were I decided to spend most of my time working in a couple areas. Tremont and the middle prong trail for cascades and then Oconaluftee for a chance at Elk.

The image above was just one of the many beautiful cascades that line the middle prong and rarely ever disappoint. I captured this one pretty early into my hike and followed up with a nice collection of smaller waterfalls.

At about the 2.5 mile point in the hike you come across Indian Flats Falls which is an amazing spot to stop and take in all the beauty of the Smokies. I will share more of that spot and the many other images I captured a little later but for now I thought I might share this wonderful spot just for starters.

If you ever make your way down to the Great Smoky Mountains, Tremont is a must place to visit and while you are there you have to make this great five mile round trip hike to view all the amazing water features along the way.