Squirrel Corn

I thought I might post another wildflower image, this one has a unique look and name Squirrel Corn, found growing right along and among Dutchman’s Breeches this flower must be related to the Bleeding Heart family because of it’s look and pink coloring on the tips.

You really have to be looking for this little specimen because of it’s ability to hide among the foliage of other plants, most of the time you will walk right by this flower never knowing of it’s existence. The blooms are around 1.5 inches in size and have a surprisingly pleasant odor for such a small flower.

They have a strange shape too them as well, they do resemble a kernel of corn, but where the squirell fits into the equation I guess I will never know. In Clifty Falls State Park, near Madison indiana, this wildflower and the Dutchman’s Breeches grow in huge scattered patches on boulders and all over the forest floor. Some areas are so thick it almost looks like a skiff of freshly fallen snow.

This is just another of the many wildflowers you can witness in the woods and canyons of Madison and Southern Indiana, thanks for taking a look and stopping by !!


14 thoughts on “Squirrel Corn

  1. Bernie, squirrel corn, Dutchman’s breeches, and the ornamental bleeding heart are in the same genus, Dicentra. Up in NE Ohio, squirrel corn is much more common than dutchman’s breeches, but here where the soil is more neutral, squirrel corn is quite rare. They’re two of my favorite wildflowers.

  2. Very cool flower. Appears to be the missing link between the Breeches I find in the wild and the Bleeding Hearts that my wife has in the backyard. Photographically, I think the depth of field is excellent. It is sometimes tough to get the right amount of focus on those clusters of flowers. This works very well.

  3. A very interesting name for a very unique flower, it’s a wonder to see many different styles of flowers across different parts of the world !

  4. Thank you for introducing me to Squuirrel Corn, otherwise I would have confused them with Dutchman’s Breeches. I looked up the difference in my wildflower book.

  5. Yes, I’ve seen these! Didn’t know the name, though, until today. That’s what I like about your photoblog. I learn something every time I visit.

    This Squirrel Corn piqued my interest so I did a little research and found that it’s a member of the poppy family. Interesting.

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